“Working with the Sun: A story of Light and Learning” — A short film documenting the installation and impact of solar power and a solar powered computer laboratory at the Zwelenqaba Senior Secondary School in the Mqanduli district in the Eastern Cape of South Africa for the Solar Electric Light Fund. Camera, sound and edit by Christine Nesbitt Hills, executive producer Paul Hills 2008-2009.




Children & Sanitation in West & Central Africa


Masupatsela I

Description of episodes and credits of contribution to the “Masupatsela” series broadcast on SABC 2 produced by Free Range Films.

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Mantswe a Bonono

Description of episodes and credits of contribution to the “Mantswe a Bonono” series broadcast on SABC 2 produced by Free Range Films.

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‘Through my Window: a visual travelogue’ is a personal work-in-progress, started in 1997, and continues today. Seen in the video is a part of that work exhibited at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, South Africa, 2007. Video courtesy of Paula Chowles.


‘Child adoption’ polio prevention strategy

Photos by Christine Nesbitt Hills and story by Christine Jaulmes

Children take the lead in northern Nigeria’s immunization drive
KATSINA STATE, Nigeria, 5 March 2007 – Heading to school last week in northern Katsina State, Imrana Musa, 10, had no idea what a special mission he was going to be sent on. Instead of the standard arithmetic lesson, his teacher spoke to the class about the importance of immunization to prevent childhood illnesses such as measles, polio, diphtheria and tetanus.

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